Hello, my friends…

I am so ridiculously excited to be writing to you on my new blog, that I really don’t know what to say! Think, Ruth… think. What is it that you always wanted to say to anyone within ear shot? Hmm……. Got it.

Life has been, and continues to be, many things to many people. It can be brimming with both joy and grief… and, yes, at the same time. It can feel empty and useless or full of meaning. It can appear to be more than we can handle. Life can crush, ignite, empower, destroy, compel and bless.

As I have journeyed through my life, and continue to walk it out, God has taught me many lessons, often learned through just the every day stuff. Sometimes the pearls that I have gleaned have been through those living life around me and often it has been through reading His letter to me, the Bible.

No matter what life has brought your way, God has been loving you… infinitely.

You and I are going to take a walk together. I can’t wait. Grab a jacket. The seasons will change as we travel. I’ll be ready to go soon.

Stay tuned….

With love,


12 Replies to “Hello, my friends…”

  1. How often will u being doing a blog? Do I have to do anything to know when ur blogging?

    Thanks so much


    1. Hi, Beth!

      I plan to post at least every other Wednesday. If I’m able to, I’ll post on the in between weeks. I’ll put the link on fb.

      Love you, Beth…


  2. Hi Ruth-
    Thank you for the “back story”….love it! If you have time…it would be pretty to see some of yours and your mom.’s handiwork as a backdrop or frame!😘
    Love in Christ!

    1. Hi, Sherry!
      What’s really funny is how long I attempted to include a picture!! I was having technical issues… I’ll be working on that. Yes, I’ll look forward to sharing some pictures. 🙂
      Thanks so much for encouraging me to do that…

  3. Hi Ruth,
    I would love to follow your blog and be a part of it. Your story of how God provided for your family hit home for me. We need each other’s encouragement more than ever these days of trying times. I will be here with open ears, open heart!. Laura Vandekrol

    1. Hi, Laura! I’m so excited that you plan to journey with me… Yes, we sure do need each other’s encouragement. I’m praying that this blog will do exactly that in many hearts and homes. With love…Ruth

  4. Loved hearing your story yet again. It truly gives me goosebumps every single time. I’m looking forward to your blogging journey, and I will be happily tagging along to lap up all of the Godly wisdom you pass down, from one mama to another! Love you and am so very grateful that you continuously obey God and show us how to do so in return.

    1. Hi, Corrie! I’m so glad that you plan to journey with me… I continue to love watching you walk out your faith, in honesty and transparency. Let’s listen closely to what God has to say to us both. Love you lots…

  5. The story of how God sets the table in you family is inspiring. Look forward to reading more. Thank you


    1. Hi, Camorrie! I was so excited to hear from you. Miss you. I’m so glad that miles doesn’t stop us from journeying together! I’m excited to see what God has for us to learn through this. xo

  6. Hi Ruth,
    My name is Deb and Tim and Anna used to call me their Rochester mom (long time ago).
    I enjoyed your blog, It made me think back to all the ways God has met my needs threw the years, some things I haven’t thought about in a very long time. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more.

    1. Hi, Deb! Yes, I remember you! Thanks for reading along and I’m excited to see all that God has for us all to learn through this.

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