I love doors. The older, paint-pealing, nostalgic ones get me. You know the ones… with the creaky hinges sometimes… or the heavy thud as it closes for the night. Why, you ask? Why would you like those doors when there are so many gorgeous, new, modern ones, with extra seals and gizmos to keep out the arctic air and intruders? Because they have a story to tell.
Their story is a story of life, at it’s best and at it’s worst. They have witnessed joyous reunions and tearful good-byes,….been held open for long-overdue visits and been slammed in anger,….held out the bitter winds and held onto the comforting heat of the indoors… welcomed a lonely soul and protected from the enemy.
As a little girl, I just loved to go to Daddy’s office. It was so stately and fancy in my young eyes! My mother would sometimes stop in at the office during the day, and I knew right where Daddy’s office was! There was a seating area outside his door where visitors would wait, until my father had time to meet with them.
Waiting was not for me, though! I would race across the office, as quickly as my little legs could take me, right to his door, reach up to the door handle, turn it and walk right in….. right into my daddy’s arms!
Why could I do that? Because He was my father.
Imagine being part of a huge group of people, walking miles and miles through a wilderness, year after year. You counted on God for your daily instructions and directions as well as your food. And… you had to keep up with a lot of rules and regulations as far as having your sins forgiven. It was no easy task to be part of the children of Israel as they journeyed from Egypt to Canaan over a time period of forty years.
God had a plan. He gave Moses directions as to how He wanted the Tabernacle to be built. This would provide the people with a tent where they could sacrifice and a place where His Presence would dwell. However, only the high priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies where the Ark of God resided. This Holy of Holies was separated from the area called the Holy Place by a veil. The high priest would enter with a blood sacrifice, hoping that he had fulfilled all of the requirements of a just and holy God.
Today… you…. as a redeemed child of God….if you have confessed Jesus as Lord and accepted His sacrifice on the cross for you…. have the privilege of opening that door…. anytime… anywhere…. and walking right in to the Most Holy Place, through prayer.
“…since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings…” Hebrews 10:19-22
Are you feeling overwhelmed with life right now? Are you longing for just a few moments of solitude while at the same time dying of loneliness? Are those you love with all of your heart not looking so lovely at times? Does fear sneak up on you, and attack your mind when you’re least expecting it? Is the light at the end of the tunnel dim at times and yet blinding if you stare at it too long? Are you just plain tired… and yet you know that you can’t give up?
Just open the door and walk right in. Draw near…. He’s your Father. Pour out your heart to Him… He knows it all already. Rest in His love… He loved you enough to die for you.
Run to Him.