There’s a gentle breeze … and a slight scent of smoke in the air. The sun is sinking quickly below the horizon, taking with it the comfort of warmth and light. Dinner was scant and thirst is becoming painfully real. Although the trees provide shade and camouflage, they offer no water to my parched lips.
Off in the distance I see moving waves in a river… blue, gentle, gliding.
I need to step out. My heart pounds…. I can hear its rhythm in my ears. I feel the tearing as I’m torn… leaving the security of what I’ve found to be safe… to pursue what my soul needs…. what I was created to love. I hear the brittle crunch of leaves as I walk. Although I know that I could exist in the shadows of the forest, I also know that I need to take a risk, in order to thrive.
My two fawns follow close behind me, eyes darting, legs trembling, rapid breathing… “Where’s she going?… Why are we doing this?”
Because I know. I know that the only way to see my soul completely satisfied, is to walk away from the self-perceived sense of security, and take tentative, faltering steps toward the Source of life and satisfaction…
“Come …my young… walk close behind me. We can’t stay in the shadows and reach our calling. I’m thirsty to the core. Follow me. Trust me. It will be worth the risk.”
Is this you, my sweet friend? It’s definitely me.
Are you hiding in the shadows of the “already accomplished”… or the “I know there are others more gifted” … or the “what if I fail?” … or the “I’ve done plenty of serving; it’s time for others to step up” … or the “I’ve felt the arrows of rejection before; I’ll stay right here, thanks” … or, yes… “I’m just too thirsty and tired to take the first step”….
Our first few haltering paces need to take us to the water’s edge. A Psalm writer in the Bible wrote these words, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1,2)
Reach out and press the pause button on life…. then listen closely. You’ll hear God saying to you, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters.” (Isaiah 55:1) You’ll then hear Him saying to you, “…whoever drinks the water that I give them will never thirst.” (John 4:14)
Has the gristmill of life left you parched? At one time in your life were you at the water’s edge every morning, drinking your refreshment from God’s Word, the Bible? Then something happened… that changed you. Ever since, you’ve been just existing in the shadows. There’s so much more for you….
Begin at the water’s edge… and drink deeply. As your soul revives, turn and look up at the mountains behind you. Listen closely. Do you hear God calling you? What seemed insurmountable is waiting to be your vantage point. An intimidating possibility is waiting to declare glory to Him. Your weakness is waiting to display His strength. “The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:19
Take a step. Take a drink. Take His hand.
And climb….