The time had come. There was no use putting it off any longer. Our coat closet needed to be sorted. I had procrastinated long enough. When I needed a coat, I would basically dive in, hoping that if no one heard from me after a few days that they would come looking. So yes… it was time.
Coats started flying… There was the “I have no idea why I ever bought that coat” pile. Next to it, was the “I can’t believe I ever fit into that coat” pile. Finally, there was the “I better hang on to that coat or I’ll have nothing to wear” pile.
And then there it was. Mom’s beautiful black coat. A gorgeous, regal coat… with a black fur shawl collar. The pain of the loss of my dear mom had been too deep for me to do anything with it previously. As I held it up on the hanger… heavy, stately….memories of the day that we purchased it washed over me.
Mom had come for a visit from Canada, telling me that she needed to find a new coat, and that “the states is way ahead of Canada”! We planned our shopping trip and off we went. Our search landed us finally in Macy’s, continuing the scavenger hunt amongst the hundreds of women’s coats.
We both saw it. It took our breath away. Stunning. It looked like royalty. I took it off the hanger and slipped it gently over her aged shoulders. Looking in the mirror, I truly believe mom saw a queen. She held her head up high, eyes shining, and said softly, “Oh, Ruth, I love it.” The price was daunting, to say the least, but I was determined that she would go home with the coat. Between coupons that I just happened to have and opening a Macy’s account to get a discount (I never told Dave Ramsey) … we walked out of the store with our treasure.
Back to the closet sorting. As a tsunami of sweet memories continued to wash over me, I reached my hand into the pockets…. making sure that they were empty before sending the coat to the cleaners. I pulled out of each pocket something wrinkled and worn.
Mom’s gloves. Her burgundy velvet gloves. Yes, tears flowed down my face as I stood, lost in a jumble of memories and emotions…. and pondered all that I was learning in that moment.
As I smoothed out the gloves, I realized that mom had learned a balance in the way that she lived her life, as not only a child of God, but as a daughter of the King.
The gloves were rolled up and in the pockets of the coat…. ready to go at a moment’s notice, when God had something for her to do.
They were velvet…for years considered a luxury and only owned by the wealthy…. mom knew how to enjoy the beauty of simple comforts, thanking the Lord for her velvet gloves.
The gloves were washable… a practical fabric… able to get soiled in the service of the King of Kings…. and then washed, to be ready to go again.
Oh, they were rumpled… obviously stuffed quickly into the pockets… not overly concerned about keeping herself looking perfect… moving on to what needed to be done next.
They were burgundy…. the color of royalty…. she never forgot Who’s she was and Whom she served.
And they kept her hands warm… those well-worn, arthritic hands…. that continued to turn the pages of her precious Bible, held her prayer lists as she prayed, knit hats and mittens for little ones and wrote notes of sweet encouragement to those in pain.
Ahhhhh, mom….. so much to learn. As I gently washed the gloves and laid them out to dry, I could only pray that I would have the privilege of continuing on the legacy of living a life reflecting clearly that I am the daughter of the King of Kings and serving Him every day that He gives me with all my heart and strength.
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies….. She is clothed with strength and dignity…. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31
“Lord…. help me to live my life like mom’s worn, velvet gloves…. rumpled but royal… ready to go, enjoying the beauty of simple comforts, willing to get dirty serving You, moving on quickly to what needs to be done next in Your Kingdom work, remembering that I’m Yours and it’s You that I’m serving – the King of Kings, lifting up many to You in prayer and continuously turning the pages of my Bible….. In Jesus’ Name…. Amen.”