Just in case you’ve ever wondered what the value is in what you do every day…
When you say “Good morning” to your little ones, on a rainy Monday, …And wonder what is good about it, …You’ve taught them optimism.
When you wrap them in your arms, close to your heart, …And pray that angels will always protect them, …You’ve taught them trust.
When you pick up the hundredth Cheerio from the kitchen floor …And wonder why you bother, …You’ve taught them perseverance.
When you fill the washing machine with your sixth load of laundry …As your child hugs you, covered in chocolate, …You’ve taught them devotion.
When you sit at your kitchen table with your coffee and your Bible, …And they watch you read and pray, …You’ve taught them godliness.
When you close the car door on your finger, bringing tears of pain, …And you wait in silence for relief, …You’ve taught them self-control.
When you wipe tears from their little eyes after a fall off of their bike, …And place a band-aid over a kiss, …You’ve taught them compassion.
When you pray with your children before going into the store, …And watch God provide for your needs, …You’ve taught them faith.
When you choose to make extra for dinner even when money is tight, …And take a meal over to the neighbor, …You’ve taught them kindness.
When you brush a tear from your eye, as you dig a hole in the ground, …And bury the pet hamster, …You’ve taught them gentleness.
When you drag your weary body out from under the covers, …And rush to their bedside to give a hug, …You’ve taught them selflessness.
When you’ve tied the last shoe as you rush out the door to church …And know that you could have stayed home, …You’ve taught them priorities.
When you gather your family around you to kneel in prayer …And cry out to God for answers, …You’ve taught them dependence.
When your life plans are forever altered, a loved one is lost, …And God carries you through your darkest hour, …You’ve taught them submission.
When you open your arms and welcome home your prodigal child …And know that you also have wandered, …You’ve taught them unconditional love.
Moms…. just in case you’ve ever wondered …What the value is in what you do every day…. When your “To Do” list remains untouched…. You have been the hands and feet of God …Fulfilling the role for which He called you …In molding a child who will reflect His heart.
Ruth P. Verratti