You’ve got to be kidding me!
We had just finished Sunday dinner, which we had enjoyed with friends of ours in our dining room. As the guests sat relaxing at the table, I slipped out to the kitchen to cut the homemade cherry pie. It was gorgeous, if I do say so myself! I had worked hard at it the day before, and couldn’t wait to hear the raves.
I carefully placed the slices on the dessert plates and adorned each one with a scoop of ice cream. The plates were then placed carefully in front of each awaiting guest. They took their first bites while I went back to the kitchen for some forgotten item. I heard some mumbled discussion from the table. Yes… mumbles. Not raves.
Upon returning to the table, my husband told me quietly that the pie was fine… except that I had left the pits in the cherries!! I hadn’t realized that the canned cherries I was using weren’t pitted!
Have you ever eaten a piece of cherry pie with the pits still in??! It is no easy task, my friend! It is a blend of chewing, sorting, spitting, drooling, swallowing and breathing. Exhausting.
These days…. do you sometimes feel like every time you try to take a bite you hit a pit? Do you feel like your day can look like it going to be a beautiful one, and by 10:00 AM all you are doing is chewing, sorting and spitting? Are there moments where you don’t even care if you get a whole piece, you just would like one bite without a pit?? As you struggle to deal with daily stuff… do you find it hard to even put into words what you’re feeling… and all that comes out are mumbles? Do you feel like you pour your heart and soul into trying to make things beautiful… and all you get is the messy? As you drag yourself to bed at the end of your quarantined day… do you wonder why you even bothered?
Because I do. Sometimes. And it’s OK.
Your loving Heavenly Father sees your efforts… and your heart… and loves you tons.
He says… “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23
The results are not up to us… they’re up to God. So, just keep making your pie for Him.
That changes everything.